Policies and Procedures
COVID-19 information here
Cancellation, Late Arrival, No-show Policy
Please cancel or reschedule no less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours will result in a fee equal to 50% of the cost of a single session appointment. This policy is different for appointments on Saturday (noted below). Not showing up for an appointment or cancelling after the start time of the appointment is called a "no show." No shows and/or multiple canceled appointments deemed excessive will result in the client/patient losing the ability to schedule future sessions. No shows will result in a no show fee of 100% of the regular session cost or forfeit of one session of a purchased package of sessions. Future appointments will require a 50% non-refundable deposit that will be used toward your session. In the event of a cancellation in less than 24 hours, the deposit will be forfeited. In the case of a no show, the 50% will be forfeited and an invoice will be sent for the remaining 50%. This must be paid in order to schedule a future appointment. A cancellation or rescheduled appointment greater than 24 hours will not require a loss of or additional deposit. A link in the appointment confirmation email is provided to reschedule or cancel your appointment up to exactly 24 hours in advance.
Appointments that start late because of tardiness will end at the scheduled time. Arriving 15 minutes late or later may result in a forfeited appointment and considered a “no show”. Appointments starting late on the part of the massage therapist will either be extended (if the client’s and massage therapist’s schedule allows) or be credited for the amount of time on a following visit. The session cost will remain the same. Sessions include a brief interview, necessary assessment, time for the client to undress and redress, applied massage therapy techniques, and possibly some therapeutic stretches, therapeutic movements, and kinesiology taping in the amount of time scheduled.
In the case of a session being shortened due to achieving the session goals quickly, or for some other reason as designated by the massage therapist, the session rate may or may not be adjusted to reflect a more accurate session time.
Saturday Appointments
Effective July 1, 2023, regarding Saturday appointments. To ensure a mutual commitment to an appointment on Saturdays, we now require a nonrefundable deposit equivalent to the full price of a session before accepting any Saturday appointment requests. Please note that rescheduling or canceling a Saturday appointment will result in the forfeiture of the deposit. In the case of an appointment made with at least one session remaining on a pre-paid package of sessions, one session will be deducted from the package of sessions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this policy.
Consent is implied when you schedule an appointment and show up for your session. It is my experience that if someone is getting sick and is possibly contagious, I do not recommend receiving massage therapy. Massage is reported to strengthen the immune system, but after weakening and compromising it. Receiving a massage when you are not in the recovery part of being sick with a cold or other common illness may make it considerably worse. Getting a massage with this information is now considered informed consent. If you arrive for your appointment, and you appear to be ill in any way, your appointment will be canceled and a cancellation fee will be invoiced, and you will politely asked to leave for the consideration of the massage therapist and all patients after you.
In accordance with USA Safe Sport policies and regulations, a minor is anyone under the age of 18 years old. Minors must have a parent or guardian present and in the treatment space during the entire session. At no time is a minor to be in a treatment room with the massage therapist without the parent/guardian. If the parent/guardian leaves the treatment room or area for any reason, the session will stop until they return, and the massage therapist will also leave. At no time will the massage therapist and minor be in a treatment room alone. This is for the safety of both the minor and the massage therapist. If a parent is unable to attend, they my designate a temporary guardian in written form for the date and time of the appointment.
Packages of multiple sessions are not transferable to another person and cannot be split into smaller segments of time unless specified. Example: A four session package of one hour appointments may not be turned into eight, half hour sessions or shared with other people. If a refund of a package is requested before all of the sessions in the package are used, the refund will be the the total amount less the number of sessions at the regular price per session. This is because the 4th session is the discounted session. Example: Purchase three sessions, and save on the fourth session is a package of four sessions.
As of January 1, 2022 package sessions purchased are not be refundable. They will continue to not expire and be non-transferrable. If your package of services was purchased before January 1 of 2022, the previous policy applies.
Auto Accidents
Anyone seeking care from an auto accident may be required to pay for the appointment in advance. To receive massage therapy at Rx Massage Therapy, I will not sign a letter of protection (LOP) due to a history of payments not being received for therapy after a settlement has been reached.
Rev. 9/12/2020
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates are available for purchase onsite and online. Online purchased gift certificates are not transferable to third parties and do expire according to the date listed in accordance with Florida state laws. Gift certificates purchased through an online vendor will expire on the date listed on the gift certificate or receipt provided.
Attire and Hygiene
During a session at Rx Massage Therapy , you, the patient/client is expected to be clean and must wear underwear. Additional grooming of excessive body hair may be necessary for optimal treatment. Body lotions should not be applied between bathing and your appointment for an optimal treatment. Your appointment may be stopped and rescheduled if any of the aforementioned attire or hygiene guidelines are not adhered to. If the area that needs treatment has hair that is too long, trimming or shaving hair may be required for therapy to be effective, and the session may be rescheduled.
The massage therapist’s attire for appointments at Rx Massage Therapy will be professional, and consist of clothing similar to golf wear (a polo shirt and either slacks or shorts in the style of slacks.
To protect your modesty and in accordance with Florida Massage Law, your massage therapist will leave the room while you disrobe as directed (often down to underwear) and get on the massage table covering yourself with a provided clean sheet or towel. You are required to wear underwear at the very least. It is acceptable for women to wear a bra, and your therapist may request to “unclasp” it if it clasps in the back. During the session you will be conservatively covered by the sheet or towel. Only the area being massaged will be uncovered. If you feel the draping is not secure enough for you or if you feel exposed during the session, you are to immediately ask to be re-draped to your comfort level.
The music played during a session may be requested (within reason). You may bring your own music or request no music if you prefer. Music will likely be playing based on the day of the week or the mood of the massage therapist, but you are ultimately in charge of the selection.
All sessions are subject to audio recording for assisted note taking and in cases of liability. 24 hour video surveillance is recorded in the waiting room.
Anti-Discrimination Disclaimer
This office complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, or sexual preference. This office does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, I available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights compliant with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html
Cancellation, Late Arrival, No-show Policy
Please cancel or reschedule no less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours will result in a fee equal to 50% of the cost of a single session appointment. This policy is different for appointments on Saturday (noted below). Not showing up for an appointment or cancelling after the start time of the appointment is called a "no show." No shows and/or multiple canceled appointments deemed excessive will result in the client/patient losing the ability to schedule future sessions. No shows will result in a no show fee of 100% of the regular session cost or forfeit of one session of a purchased package of sessions. Future appointments will require a 50% non-refundable deposit that will be used toward your session. In the event of a cancellation in less than 24 hours, the deposit will be forfeited. In the case of a no show, the 50% will be forfeited and an invoice will be sent for the remaining 50%. This must be paid in order to schedule a future appointment. A cancellation or rescheduled appointment greater than 24 hours will not require a loss of or additional deposit. A link in the appointment confirmation email is provided to reschedule or cancel your appointment up to exactly 24 hours in advance.
Appointments that start late because of tardiness will end at the scheduled time. Arriving 15 minutes late or later may result in a forfeited appointment and considered a “no show”. Appointments starting late on the part of the massage therapist will either be extended (if the client’s and massage therapist’s schedule allows) or be credited for the amount of time on a following visit. The session cost will remain the same. Sessions include a brief interview, necessary assessment, time for the client to undress and redress, applied massage therapy techniques, and possibly some therapeutic stretches, therapeutic movements, and kinesiology taping in the amount of time scheduled.
In the case of a session being shortened due to achieving the session goals quickly, or for some other reason as designated by the massage therapist, the session rate may or may not be adjusted to reflect a more accurate session time.
Saturday Appointments
Effective July 1, 2023, regarding Saturday appointments. To ensure a mutual commitment to an appointment on Saturdays, we now require a nonrefundable deposit equivalent to the full price of a session before accepting any Saturday appointment requests. Please note that rescheduling or canceling a Saturday appointment will result in the forfeiture of the deposit. In the case of an appointment made with at least one session remaining on a pre-paid package of sessions, one session will be deducted from the package of sessions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this policy.
Consent is implied when you schedule an appointment and show up for your session. It is my experience that if someone is getting sick and is possibly contagious, I do not recommend receiving massage therapy. Massage is reported to strengthen the immune system, but after weakening and compromising it. Receiving a massage when you are not in the recovery part of being sick with a cold or other common illness may make it considerably worse. Getting a massage with this information is now considered informed consent. If you arrive for your appointment, and you appear to be ill in any way, your appointment will be canceled and a cancellation fee will be invoiced, and you will politely asked to leave for the consideration of the massage therapist and all patients after you.
In accordance with USA Safe Sport policies and regulations, a minor is anyone under the age of 18 years old. Minors must have a parent or guardian present and in the treatment space during the entire session. At no time is a minor to be in a treatment room with the massage therapist without the parent/guardian. If the parent/guardian leaves the treatment room or area for any reason, the session will stop until they return, and the massage therapist will also leave. At no time will the massage therapist and minor be in a treatment room alone. This is for the safety of both the minor and the massage therapist. If a parent is unable to attend, they my designate a temporary guardian in written form for the date and time of the appointment.
Packages of multiple sessions are not transferable to another person and cannot be split into smaller segments of time unless specified. Example: A four session package of one hour appointments may not be turned into eight, half hour sessions or shared with other people. If a refund of a package is requested before all of the sessions in the package are used, the refund will be the the total amount less the number of sessions at the regular price per session. This is because the 4th session is the discounted session. Example: Purchase three sessions, and save on the fourth session is a package of four sessions.
As of January 1, 2022 package sessions purchased are not be refundable. They will continue to not expire and be non-transferrable. If your package of services was purchased before January 1 of 2022, the previous policy applies.
Auto Accidents
Anyone seeking care from an auto accident may be required to pay for the appointment in advance. To receive massage therapy at Rx Massage Therapy, I will not sign a letter of protection (LOP) due to a history of payments not being received for therapy after a settlement has been reached.
Rev. 9/12/2020
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates are available for purchase onsite and online. Online purchased gift certificates are not transferable to third parties and do expire according to the date listed in accordance with Florida state laws. Gift certificates purchased through an online vendor will expire on the date listed on the gift certificate or receipt provided.
Attire and Hygiene
During a session at Rx Massage Therapy , you, the patient/client is expected to be clean and must wear underwear. Additional grooming of excessive body hair may be necessary for optimal treatment. Body lotions should not be applied between bathing and your appointment for an optimal treatment. Your appointment may be stopped and rescheduled if any of the aforementioned attire or hygiene guidelines are not adhered to. If the area that needs treatment has hair that is too long, trimming or shaving hair may be required for therapy to be effective, and the session may be rescheduled.
The massage therapist’s attire for appointments at Rx Massage Therapy will be professional, and consist of clothing similar to golf wear (a polo shirt and either slacks or shorts in the style of slacks.
To protect your modesty and in accordance with Florida Massage Law, your massage therapist will leave the room while you disrobe as directed (often down to underwear) and get on the massage table covering yourself with a provided clean sheet or towel. You are required to wear underwear at the very least. It is acceptable for women to wear a bra, and your therapist may request to “unclasp” it if it clasps in the back. During the session you will be conservatively covered by the sheet or towel. Only the area being massaged will be uncovered. If you feel the draping is not secure enough for you or if you feel exposed during the session, you are to immediately ask to be re-draped to your comfort level.
The music played during a session may be requested (within reason). You may bring your own music or request no music if you prefer. Music will likely be playing based on the day of the week or the mood of the massage therapist, but you are ultimately in charge of the selection.
All sessions are subject to audio recording for assisted note taking and in cases of liability. 24 hour video surveillance is recorded in the waiting room.
Anti-Discrimination Disclaimer
This office complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, or sexual preference. This office does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, I available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights compliant with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html