Cranial Unwinding is a specific version of Cranialsacral Therapy (CST). This therapy has been developed by osteopathic physicians to manipulate the bones of the cranium to affect the pressure and movement of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). CSF is a fluid produced by blood flowing into special chambers of the brain pressure which then bathes the brain and spinal cord. Disfunctions intbis system are theorized to have detrimental effects on the body. The full repercussions of a disfunctional cranialsacral systemare unknown. Annecdotal evidence points to CST as a treatment for a multitude of neurological afflictions and cancer. One thing is for certain, cranialsacral work is extremely calming. Although the benefits are not fully comprehended yet, the results are undeniable.
665 Harold Ave. Suite A
Winter Park, FL 32789
Florida Licensed MA#35448, MM#35699
© Copyright Rx Massage Therapy, LLC
Winter Park, FL 32789
Florida Licensed MA#35448, MM#35699
© Copyright Rx Massage Therapy, LLC